Tuesday, March 16, 2010

TLC Goody Bag

From Katie L.

"I just started with TLC, and love working in the temp staff, but I need some help filling my Goody Bag. I have the usual paper, markers, crayons, and paint, but I would love some ideas that are out of the ordinary. I've found some fun ideas on your blog site in the links section, but it's hard to know which ones are really good, and which one's are just so-so.

I would also love some ideas for the older kids, sometimes it's hard to get them interested in anything other than video games!"


  1. Now that it's getting warmer I like to take "nature walks" and tell the kids to pick flowers/sticks/leaves....whatever they want really....for an art project. Then use some glue to make a picture using their nature stuff. It'll all die in a few days, but they'll have fun and it's kind of a two part project which is nice.

    Also a good addition to my goody bag was crazy scissors. 2-4 year olds love them and will cut paper for a long time.

    For older kids it probably depends on the kids...some just aren't too interested...but I've had some luck with science experiments (simple ones you can do with water and baking soda and vinegar and stuff). Or even just asking if you can play video games with them....it's not the best, but at least it's interaction:) I'm horrible at video games and they usually get a kick out of beating me.

  2. My favorite activity is to bake and decorate cupcakes with the children - they love it! It's fairly inexpensive....you can get a boxed cake mix and icing for a few dollars at any supermarket. Find some household food coloring, baking cups, and sprinkles - then get creative!

    I happen to bake quite a bit and have a whole cupcake kit full of sprinkles, colorings, flavorings, and themed liners. This is obviously getting a little over the top but you get the idea. The kids (age appropriate, of course) really enjoy decorating/helping with the recipe.

    One warning: make sure you ask the parents first as not all families allow this much sugar in their diet!

  3. For older kids, I have come great snowflake patterns to cut. I bought some books from the snowflake/story at the city museum. They are in the shapes of dinosaurs, jungle animals, sea creatures, etc. I also have another book that are regular snowflake designs & are easier. If your interested e-mail me & I'll send you a sample & the addresses to get the books. The kids 8 or 10 to as old as we take love them. Some do require some special scissors (smaller & sharper then regular) & hole punches.
    Pat Bax giraffespb@gmail.com

    For goody bag ideals, I lucky in that I have grown children & have saved a lot of there toys. So if I have an ideal of the children's like to do. I take along a new toy for them to play with. If you don't have any toys of your own, try garage sales or used stores. Trains are especially popular.

  4. I like to use empty paper towel rolls and coat them with peanut butter and birdseed. It's a cheap birdfeeder that is always a hit! I use a hole punch to makes holes on each end to attach yarn or string so you have a way to hang it from a tree:)

  5. Some of the games that appeal to a lot of ages are: Uno Attack, Sorry, Hide and Seek (if the parents are laid back) and Card games. Painting is always good(something busy parents don't want to mess with)Q-tips make excellent paint brushes.

    One game that I play with kids that they all seem to love is taking turns hiding an item in an area or room of the house. I usally choose some thing bright, like a block or a beanie baby. The one rule I have is that at least one part has to be showing. If they can't find it, tell them they are hot or cold. Whoever finds the item gets to hide it the next time.

    If your babysitting at night, flash lights are always fun. Make shadow puppets or try this game: Have the kids sit about four feet from a blank wall. You have them close their eyes and then you choose a toy from the room. Take the flash light and cast a shadow of the toy onto the wall in front of them. Whoever guess the toy gets a turn at casting a shadow. This is a very popular game.

    Have fun and the kids will too!

  6. I have different Ziploc bags full of age appropriate Items so the when I get a call I put them in my goody bag or I take different containers with things in them such as cotton balls, pipe cleaners and colorful magazines and let the kids tear out different shapes and make paste every house hold has flour or take some in a container and make your own and clue the papers on colored paper or get some large paper bags from the store and they love to decorate the bags.
    Go to goodwill they have toys already bagged that are cheap just clean them, they have cars,army men and all kinds of characters.

  7. Kids usually have a blast when making homemade playdoh and silly putty. Pipe cleaners are also a fan favorite, and kids like making paper puppets of their family, favorite characters, etc.
    Depending on the age, I bring old games that they might not have seen like Pick Up Sticks, Jenga, etc.
    And you can always go play outside!

  8. Small children like to color simple pictures. They really like the small coloring books of animals at Imagination Toys on Clayton Road. They were not real expensive but you probably can find something like it elsewhere. Also the klutz.com site has great crafts. The Hand Art is great because they love to trace their hands. You can replenish the supplies cheaper at Michaels.

    The older kids sometimes will play card games. I found some cute '12 minute' card games at Imagination Toys.

  9. I shop the dollar section at Target and Micheals. Sometimes I can get some fun already but together with all the articals you need for like making and painting planes, (a little bit more money but it's workth it) the older kids love to do the things. I was ateacher so I just look around the house for activities or home articals to make things with. I have to use another bag along with mine, but it is worth it. Games these days like candyland or shoots n ladders can be bought pretty cheap these days to. Keep an eye out for coupons. They have the "on the go" ones and they can be used over and over. Just have to think li8ke a kid. These is one game I mad with two 1 liter soda bottles. Put sand in it or snall fish rocks and matching items in it (small) like a dice, ribbon, bouncy ball ect. Keep track of what is hidden and make it a race. Who can find the dice first. Kids love it!! Good luck!!
